“Dúo Cantilena” Spanish music for flute and piano

Fernando RaÑa Barreiro (FLUTE) Rasa Biveiniene Jakutyte (PIANO)

The "Dúo Cantilena" formed by Fernando Raña and Rasa Biveinine, both professors of the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Vigo and Conservatorio Profesional de Vigo respectively, was born in with the clear idea of spreading Spanish music written today, without ignoring the great composite repertoire for this cameristic combination. In this long career they have been invited to participate in international festivals in Lithuania, Albania, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany or Spain always enjoying an excellent reception both in the media and the audience attending their concerts. Nowadays, they are immersed in the recording of a cd that includes works by Spanish composers of international prestige, some of which will sound in today's concert.

Art Base, Thursday 13/ 1E ( reduced 7E for students under nd jobseekers),
ue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to www.art-base.be
Art Base
Zandstraat 29
1000 Brussel
12.50( gereduceerd 7)
Elk type publiek

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