Workshops > Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

Summerdays op unieke locatie in Zweden - trakteer jezelf op de essentie van Verb

With Marianne Gothlin, Towe Widstrand en Corrylaura Van BladelThis event was initiated from several requests from our contacts, asking for a training in Sweden. We are enthusiastic to have found the timing and place to make this happen.We wish for some meaningful days of diving into Nvc in “lightness and depth”. This event will take place in the beautiful venue Mundekulla, in southeast Sweden.  ( invite you to practice Nvc and to enjoy these days tailored to our group and participants' needs.For whomMaybe you know Nvc well and yet find it difficult to apply with people close to you, with authorities, when there is tension, conflict or just quietness? Maybe you have experienced that more words do not mean more connection?This is an opportunity for you who want to sharpen your skills to contribute to understanding and mutual conversations.We welcome both you who are fairly new to Nvc and you who are looking for in-depth training. As we are...

Summerdays op unieke locatie in Zweden - trakteer jezelf op de essentie van Verb

Mundekulla Retreatcenter
361 95 Långasjö, Kalmar Län, Sveri
2430 Laakdal
Telefoonnummer: 0485913943 - Reserveren is verplicht

Tarief: 675
Publiek: Vanaf 18 jaar
Woensdag : van 10:00 tot 17:00 Donderdag : van 10:00 tot 17:00 Vrijdag : van 10:00 tot 17:00 Zaterdag : van 10:00 tot 17:00 Zondag : van 10:00 tot 17:00van 14 tot 18 augustus
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