Workshops > Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

Workshop Taichi w Ian Sinclair

We are extremely proud of hosting Mr. Ian Sinclair for an intensive 4 days workshop Taichi.antwerpen 4 days : 360€/320€(ellgurd) 1 day : 100€/80€(ellgurd)vzw Ellgurd, Essenstraat 4, 2060 Antwerpen IBAN :BE24 7340 2563 0338 Bic : Kredbebb mededeling : Ian Sinclair daysIan began training in 1979 and has since been teaching full-time since 1992. He is an International Champion and a consultant and performer for film and Tv. He has studied with many teachers, and spent more than a decade as a student of the famous Grandmaster Shouyu Liang. He has studied many different styles of tai chi, as well as other internal and external martial arts. His approach blends traditional methods with a modern scientific approach. He says that his goal is to teach students to surpass him as efficiently as possible. He shares his approach on his popular YouTube channel and through his website, SinclairinternalArts.comHe will be focusing on the main energies of...

Workshop Taichi w Ian Sinclair

Ellgurds' Studio
Essenstraat 4, 2060 Antwerpen
2060 Antwerpen 6
Telefoonnummer: 0477729062 - Reserveren is verplicht

Tarief: 4 dagen : 360€ , 1 dag : 100€
Publiek: Vanaf 18 jaar
Internet: https://
Donderdag : van 10:00 tot 13:00 en 14:00 tot 16:00 Vrijdag : van 10:00 tot 13:00 en 14:00 tot 16:00 Zaterdag : van 10:00 tot 13:00 en 14:00 tot 16:00 Zondag : van 10:00 tot 13:00 en 14:00 tot 16:00Dit evenement is voorbij. Doe een zoekactie op de site, om de volgende uitgave van dit evenement te vinden.
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