New years Eve Dinner and Dance

As the New Year begins and the old one ends, we’d love to celebrate with family & friends ! Etage Tropical Production invites you to join us for a New Year Eve Celebration ! Perfect combination: dinner and dance !

19:30 - 0 Aankomst
0 - 0 Aperitief
0 - 0 Dinner

 Warme & Koude Groentjes
 Krielpattatjes / Brood / Taboulé
getarisch op aanvraag
Warme & Koude Sausjes
Bubbels om 00.00 
Inkom party:
️Totaal : 49 Euro inclusief Partypas
️ aangepaste wijnen vrijblijvend tot 00:00: uro
️Partypas enkel: 10 Euro
️End Party: 5:00

DJ Shadow - Salsa - Bachata - Kizomba
DJ Gozador - Dancemusic

Location: Port Arthurlaan 33 - 9000 Gent, Etage Tropical Productions
The dancefloor is open from 0
 Dresscode: Gala

#dance #love #life
Etage Tropical Productions
Port Arthurlaan 33
9000 Gent
49 euro
Vanaf 16 jaar

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