Trainer Opportunity Day(s)

With Marianne Gothlin en Corrylaura Van Bladel

We warmly welcome you to a next level of practice on teaching and sharing Nvc.
we enjoy offering space for practice and learning in a community with support. Therefore we invite you to come together for one day, when we will deepen a topic related to sharing Nvc, present it in different ways and practice giving and receiving feedback. We will care for challenges with sharing Nvc and strive for skillbuilding on the topic of the day.


You have an opportunity to practice presenting a Nvc topic, try out your content and style, and get the feedback and support you would like. We imagine your presentations to be between 15-30 minutes, and it can also be longer.
You have choice in how you use the opportunity day for your learning
Come prepared with a presentation on the topic of the day, or …
Come and first receive input to the topic of the day and then you get some time to prepare a short presentation during this day or …
Come unprepared just to get inspired and learn from what other people present or …
Welcome also to present a topic of your choice in the afternoon


people who participated in our trainer program “Who is training who?”
NVC trainers
people sharing Nvc in their home and work
CNVC candidates for certification


We will weave the day together from our contributions and the offers and requests in the group. We will share the time to meet as many learning opportunities as possible.

Proposed structure of the day:
Land together and share goals/wishes for the day
Input from trainers and group on the topic of the day
Sharing view on feedback and how to apply it today
Preparing presentations on the topic of the day (individual or in groups)
Sharing the presentations
Giving and receiving feedback after presentation
Summarize learning and harvest the day

Topics of the day:
1/: How to deal with triggers - self empathy on the spot
11/1/: The pace and place of empathic listening
/: Honest speaking as a way to come across
5/6/: Appreciation to fuel relationships and cooperation

Note: If you are a candidate for Cnvc certification and would like written feedback this will be possible with an additional fee we agree on.
Oude Vorstseweg 25
2430 Eindhout
207 € excl. BTW
Vanaf 18 jaar

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